Climate Resilient Islands


Climate Resilient Islands Fiji

Fiji has been part of Climate Resilient Islands since the programme began in 2021.

Working with 15 communities across the Northern Division, CRI covers ecosystems from low-lying coastal areas to mountain forests. Deforestation, riverbank degradation, coastal inundation and other factors are major challenges. However, people have a deep understanding of these ecosystems and their cultural significance.  Climate Resilient Islands is focused on working with the Indigenous knowledge embedded in partner communities to inform nature-based solutions to these challenges.

Climate Resilient Islands is a New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade initiative, implemented by Live & Learn with funding from the New Zealand Government.

Community Resilience Profile & Planning

The Climate Resilient Islands programme is working with 65 rural communities in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu to strengthen community resilience to climate change through nature-based approaches.

The programme uses a complex range of approaches and concepts, combining a diversity of activities communities can use to explore the interdependence of people and ecosystems, understand ecological complexity and develop nature-based plans for adaptation and resilience.

The CRI Toolkit details the approaches helping create climate resilience across CRI partner communities.

An image of the case study document on a patterned background

Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Programme Fiji

An image of the case study on a patterned background

Case Study: CRI as an ecosystems intervention

Image of the Fiji Resilience Image case study

Community Resilience Images in Fiji

Image of the food insecurity case study

Food Insecurity in Fiji and Vanuatu

Absorb Adapt Transform CRI 3symbols

Throughout the Climate Resilient Islands programme, we think about how three different things are combined when working with climate resilience: absorptive capacity, adaptive capacity, transformational capacity.

These are symbolised in the programme by the coconut palm, crab and butterfly. These three capacities relate to the levels of challenges communities face and the changes required to meet these challenges throughout all six partner countries in the CRI programme.

Climate Resilient Islands

Climate Resilient Islands is working with rural communities in Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands and PNG to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches.

Learn more about how the programme is working in other partner countries through the pages below.

MFAT Manatu Aorere

Climate Resilient Islands is a New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade initiative, implemented by Live & Learn with funding from the New Zealand Government.