
Water for Women: Resilient WASH in the Islands Region of PNG

Most of Papua New Guinea’s population of almost 8 million people live in rural communities and are faced with significant challenges in health, education and economic opportunity. PNG’s current WASH indicators are some of the worst in the world. Access to basic level sanitation and water services are 8% and 35% respectively in rural PNG and 48% and 86% in urban areas. Low access to WASH is reflected in Papua New Guinea’s ranking at the bottom of Pacific countries for all WASH related health statistics.

Live & Learn is working with Plan International to address this through the Water for Women: Resilient WASH in the Islands of PNG program. WfW PNG aims to improve the health and wellbeing of approximately 60,000 rural people by increasing the quality and accessibility of resilient WASH services in rural schools, Health Care Facilities and communities and by strengthening WASH sector systems. The project will seek improved gender and social inclusion in rural areas and contribute to an enhanced evidence base relating to GSI and WASH. There are four main project outcomes:

Outcome 1: Sustainable sub-national government structures (in 2 Provinces, 3 Districts, 29 Wards) supporting, resourcing and monitoring implementation of inclusive WASH aligned with the National WASH policy

Outcome 2: Resilient, safe and inclusive WASH infrastructure and practices established and used in communities, schools and health facilities

Outcome3: Improved understanding of gender and social inclusion in WASH contributing to changed behaviour responses in households, communities and institutions resulting in more equitable WASH roles and decision making.

This program is working in conjunction with the PNG Government’s National WASH Policy (2015-2030), which is providing guidance for the WASH sector and setting ambitious targets for water supply and sanitation, as well as emphasising the importance of gender, disability and other social inclusion in water management.

Water for Women is funded by the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade and implemented by Plan International Australia and Live & Learn.
