Our resources cover environmental protection, climate resilience, WASH and sanitation, sustainable agriculture, the empowerment of women and marginalised groups, and more.

Our manuals and guides are always focused on the learner. We find multiple ways to share information and values that are easy to understand and share.

We share our published research to contribute to the wider public knowledge of the perceptions and priorities of the rural and urban communities we work with.


Thematic Areas:


Resource Types:

tonga cover resilience

Community Resilience Images in Tonga

Each community participating in the Climate Resilient Islands programme was asked to discuss and agree on an image that symbolises the community’s resilience. This symbol is closely linked within the Community Resilience Profiles to resilience…

Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga

An image of the case study document

Disaster preparedness in Tongan CRI communities

Climate Resilient Islands communities across Tonga are facing a range of disasters and challenges to their resilience. But many actions are being taken to prepare for disaster and strengthen their adaptation. The country’s ND-GAIN Resilience…

Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga

An image of the case study document

Income and expenses in Tongan communities

As part of the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities in Tonga were surveyed to assess their livelihoods, incomes and expenses. Questions asked related to sizes of households, sources of income, whether there were multiple sources…

Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga

An image of the case study on a patterned background

Case Study: CRI as an ecosystems intervention

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is one of the work packages contributing to the Ecosystems Intervention Area within MFAT’s Climate Change Programme. This was established in 2019 as a multi-faceted response to Pacific requests for…

Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu

Case study Tonga values spread

Community Priority Values and Assets in Tonga

Climate Resilient Islands communities in Tonga were asked to describe their most important values and assets, and their vulnerabilities and risks, to contribute to their Community Resilience Profiles. These ranged from material to natural, as…

Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga