
COVID 19 Hygiene Promotion Resources for the South Pacific

This resource is a collection of health promotion posters for the South Pacific to share messages concerning safe practices to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Live & Learn has a strong history of implementing water, sanitation and hygiene projects and these resources have been designed to support and expand national health efforts in providing accurate awareness materials in the countries where we work.

The resources address universal hygiene messages from the World Health Organisation, and specific high risk practices such as spitting betel nut juice and sharing cigarettes. There are also two posters advising how to discuss COVID-19 with children and family members. These two resources were developed with child specialists from our partner Plan International in Australia. The poster collections are available for download below.

For a limited time we are also making available a variety of social media resources to share to promote safe behaviour concerning COVID-19. These resources can be accessed via the following link:

COVID-19 Social Media Resources

There is also a brochure concerning safe use of reusable face masks. This brochure was developed with a local partner in Solomon Islands who is making reusable face masks for sale under the branding “Claire” You can find further information on the reusable face masks by clicking here.

Examples of Live & Learn COVID19 Hygiene Promotion resources for South Pacific