
Live & Learn Tuvalu Annual Report 2019/2020

Live & Learn Tuvalu focuses on the areas of climate change, water, sanitation & hygiene, gender & women’s
empowerment and improving community livelihood. Since it was registered in 2019 the office has been committed to promoting food security across the nation.

The year 2020 was a challenging time for Live & Learn Tuvalu due to the onset of a global pandemic and the rapid expansion of projects. In 2020 the office broadened it’s scope from food security to water, sanitation and hygiene to assist with the prevention of COVID-19 in partnership with CARE Australia. 

Despite the challenges faced during this period Live & Learn Tuvalu has thrived and implemented a number of successful initiatives. This Annual Report details those activities and will provide further insight into the achievements of the organisation. 

The cover of the annual report with some photos from inside the document
Themes: Climate Resilience, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Resource Types: Reports
Locations: Tuvalu