This toolkit is designed to be used by teachers and other educators to teach children about the importance of safe drinking water, and to make connections between protecting the environment, protecting water catchments, water availability and the impact of climate change, and safe water storage and hygiene. It is designed to strengthen school curriculum themes and create student awareness and behaviour change. It is an updated version of a similar manual prepared by Live & Learn in 2008.
The activities assist teachers and students to:
- Understand where water comes from
- Make connections between the environment and water contamination
- Understand the impact of climate change on water availability
- Understand safe drinking water
- Gain practical skills in doing a water safety audit
- Contribute to safe water in the school
This toolkit was written by Live & Learn Environmental Education through the Resilient WASH in the Islands Region and Autonomous Region of Bougainville project in Papua New Guinea, supported by the Australian government and implemented by Plan International Australia and Live & Learn Environmental Education.

Available Resources:
Resource Types: Manuals
Locations: Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu