


Bernadeth, a role model for WASH leadership

In the Solomon Islands, the New Times, New Targets Project is encouraging women to take up leadership roles to strengthen sanitation and hygiene in schools. An outstanding example of a female teacher taking charge of…

Katangan reef1

Resilient fishing in PNG

In the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities are incorporating traditional knowledge of ecosystems management into community resilience plans. The ancestors in communities often practised sustainable methods of food growing and gathering, methods that now become…

Vaitupu woodland

Documenting traditional ecosystem management in Tuvalu

The natural resources of Vaitupu Island in Tuvalu have been managed by the community for centuries. As part of the CRI programme, Vaitupu recently documented traditional management of resources, in order to understand how they…

Conserving forest by cutting ‘big lif’

‘Big lif’ (merremia) spells big problems for the forests of Vanuatu. Across the small Pacific nation, this invasive species has taken over disturbed forests, smothering trees and destroying healthy habitats for birds, insects and animals.…


Women lead in improving WASH in Tamami

Leadership roles in communities in the Solomon Islands are often dominated by men, and this has often extended to WASH committees. But through training provided by Live & Learn and the NTNT project, the community…

Live & Learn staff sitting in the Atoll Food Futures booth

Showcasing sustainable solutions for food security

We can’t do without food, and the best way to improve food security is to make its production local and sustainable. World Food Day is an international event, celebrated every year on the 16th of…

Amplifying the voices of women

When women take leadership roles in WASH, communities get a different and wider perspective, especially when it comes to topics such as menstruation. In the community of Monga, in Solomon Islands’ Guadalcanal Province, the Live &…


Lessons in disaster risk management

Learning about disaster risk management is vital for schools in the Solomon Islands. Through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Disaster READY program, representatives from two schools in Honiara (Saint Vincent and Coronation Christian school) have…

First aid3

Saving lives in the Solomon Islands

Basic lifesaving skills, including how to provide immediate attention to a sick or injured person, are essential, especially in areas prone to natural disasters. Our Solomon Islands team has been involved in emergency training as…