
Rapid Assessment of Perceptions: Kiritimati Island

The links between climate change and food security in pacific atoll countries have been well documented over the past decades and have exposed various vulnerabilities. The following aspects of vulnerability are particularly relevant to DFAT and Live & Learn’s collaboration in Kiribati: over-reliance on food imports, lack of nutritious foods, challenging agricultural conditions, unstable access to water, coastal erosion, sea level rise, saltwater inundation, lack of available land and reduced access to markets.

The purpose of this Rapid Assessment of Perceptions (RAP) is to understand the feasibility of applying the Atoll Food Futures project in Kiritimati Island and to ensure that programming of climate smart agriculture in Kiritimati is grounded in local reality, capacity and evidence. The Kiritimati Island RAP includes an overview of the current situation for food resilience as well as recommendations for future implementation.




The cover of the RAP as well as some excerpts from inside.
Themes: Atoll Food Futures, Food Resilience
Resource Types: Reports
Locations: Kiribati