

An overhead aerial shot of the Papaelise community

Big things grow from small beginnings

Tianamo Lusia didn’t start with much. At first, he had just a small amount of land on Papaelise, where he moved during the pandemic. Wanting a source of food to feed his family, he cleared…

Two men walking through an agroforestry plot surrounded by trees, carrying gardening and landscaping equipment

Returning to tradition through agroforestry

Agroforestry is an ancient farming method in Vanuatu, having been used for many years to grow crops alongside trees to bring the benefits from both food and forests. For Live & Learn Vanuatu, it is…

A picture of the forest near Viru Harbour

A role for all in forest protection

In Viru Harbour, conserving the remaining lowland forests and rich biodiversity is a community effort. The lives of the people of Viru Harbour are intertwined with the forest – and they are ensuring everyone has…

A woman laughing while holding a pandanus leaf

The women weaving resilience

In Malaiu’s community hall, Maima is weaving a mat from pandanus leaves using techniques that have been passed down for generations. ‘This mat is woven one side first, then we join the mat and weave…

An aerial view of the land and ocean of the Sunae community

Looking after land and livelihoods

From fruit trees and flowers to a marine area full of fish, the ecosystems around the village of Sunae have provided for its people for many years, as they have cared for it in return.…

Four members of the AWR team standing beside the site of one of the newly excavated canals

Keeping Angkor strong: Heritage restoration of ancient canals

Angkor Wat is a UNESCO world heritage site and a well-known tourist attraction to many around the world. It was once the centre of the ancient Khmer kingdom and has overtaken Pompeii as the 8th…

The AWR team walks in single file down a dirt path with a farm on their right and a rice field on their left

Farmers lead sustainability efforts in the Angkor Park

The Angkor Park in Siem Reap, Cambodia, is one of the largest archaeological sites in operation in the world. Nestled among the forests and temples are over 100 villages, spread across the boundaries of the…

A beach framed with trees

Creating space to build strong connections

The Climate Resilient Islands programme aims to build resilience to help communities overcome the challenges of climate change into the future, and to implement the most localised, effective resilient actions possible, CRI teams must first…

A view of treetops from below

Making the land of tomorrow through ecological literacy

In Tongan communities, Indigenous knowledge takes many forms and plays numerous roles in everyday life. For Houma resident Anamafi Kula, it is about working with her local environment to enable the community to be self-reliant.…