Responding to COVID-19 risk in PNG and the South Pacific

Your kind donation will enable us to keep the Pacific safe from COVID-19 and help families with economic recovery.
In March 2020 Papua New Guinea reported its first case of the coronavirus. Since that time Live & Learn PNG has been working with local authorities to make COVID-19 prevention a priority.
With a population of over 8 million people to an average of roughly 5,000 hospital beds it is vital to prevent hospitals in PNG becoming overwhelmed with cases. To do this Live & Learn PNG has committed to ensuring that people are equipped with the correct knowledge and supplies that they need to protect themselves and others from the virus.

Live & Learn PNG is partnering with Schneider Electric in New Ireland Province to install solar power in schools currently without any electricity. As part of responding to the risks from COVID 19, Live & Learn is working with schools to establish basic hand-washing facilities and provide soap and provide community awareness messages.
Live & Learn is also working with the New Ireland Council of Women to supply them with materials to make and sell soap and reusable menstrual pads. These women have lost their income, as they are unable to sell cooked foods in roadside stalls, so selling soap and menstruation products will replace lost income for families.

Your support will enable Live & Learn to reach more schools and communities with hand-washing facilities, sufficient supplies of soap and correct information on COVID 19 prevention to enable families to be safe. Your support will also enable women to earn income to support their families during this time of economic shut down.
The Live & Learn Pacific Network is based in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Tonga and Fiji. Our COVID-19 rapid response program works through our existing partnerships with local government.
Please note that donations from Australian taxpayers are tax deductible - please contact us if you require a receipt.
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