Linking Tonga resilience profiles to plans
As part of the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities in Tonga participated in information gathering on community assets, values, livelihoods and challenges. This data was used to produce each community’s Community Resilience Profile. These profiles…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga

Nukufetau: taking action towards their resilience vision
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tuvalu

The resilience process in Nokon, PNG
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Papua New Guinea

How Hautahe & Poinoho is taking resilience action
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Solomon Islands

How Tu’anekivale is going from resilience visions to action
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga

Taking resilience from visions to action in Pangpang
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Vanuatu

Laucala: From resilience vision to actions
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Fiji

Ha’ano & Muitoa: From resilience visions to action
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Tonga

From resilience vision to actions in Banikea
The Climate Resilient Islands approach rests on interlinked activities where communities identify their resilience vision and picture as part of their Community Resilience Profile and then make plans for resilience activity pathways related to that…
Thematic Areas: Climate Resilience, CRI Programme
Resource Types: Case Study
Locations: Fiji