
Local Voices of Resilience – Tuvalu Food Security RAP

This Rapid Assessment of Perceptions (RAP) report presents the perceptions of eight island communities of Tuvalu towards their capacity to review local food resources through the uptake of adaptive and appropriate food producing techniques to increase their resilience to climate change and consumption of local foods. The purpose of this report is to guide effective community engagement and design approaches for the Tuvalu Food Futures Project. The scope of perceptions arising during the course of the RAP activities was very wide. Main findings that arose were grouped into the following three Learning Areas to guide the research:

Learning Area 1 – Perceptions towards increasing local food consumption and decreasing reliance on imported foods

Learning Area 2 – Perceptions on reviving traditional farming practices and embracing new technology

Learning Area 3 – Perceptions toward increasing knowledge and awareness of the benefits of local food

RAP participants shared a wealth of information, including changes in food quality, stability, nutrition and access, and attitudes toward their current lived experience and ideas for security food sources for the future.

Cover of Tuvalu Food Security Rapid Assessment of Perceptions
Themes: Atoll Food Futures, Climate Resilience, Environmental Protection
Resource Types: Reports
Locations: Fiji, Tuvalu