
Sustainable Land Management Capacity Building Programme Fact Sheet

Soil fertility in the Solomon Islands is declining, with farmers experiencing issues like erosion, poor soil health and plant pests and diseases. These issues are exacerbated by climate change, which is causing more severe droughts, floods and storms.

In response Live & Learn have been engaged to assess farming land-use practices in and around proposed protected areas in 5 provinces in Solomon Islands and implement training with 200 farmers and agriculture extension officers in sustainable land management.This work is conducted as part of the Sustainable Land Management Capacity Building Programme. 

The Sustainable Land Management Capacity Building Programme is funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Solomon Islands, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, the Ministry of Forests and Research, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

In this 2-page fact sheet you can learn about the key foundations of the program, including which resources will be produced and the details of sustainable land management. 

A collage of fact sheet contents
Themes: Climate Resilience
Resource Types: Fact Sheet, Reports
Locations: Solomon Islands