
WASH in Schools – Papua New Guinea Case Study

How can we help schools to take ownership of water, sanitation and hygiene behaviour change initiatives?

Live & Learn ran a successful four-year Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools program in three peri-urban schools in New Ireland Province, benefiting over 950 students. The program was part of a broader program delivered with 18,000 students in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu with funding from the Australian Government through the “Western Pacific Sanitation Marketing & Innovation Program” funded by the Civil Society WASH Fund. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is important for good health. Schools take simple, inexpensive steps to improve WASH facilities at their school, and healthy hygiene habits are taught, practised and integrated into daily school routines. In this project Live & Learn worked with schools on a bottom-up approach that demonstrates the impact of WASH in Schools on improved learning and student well-being. Live & Learn uses an adapted the UNICEF 3-Star Schools and Bottleneck Analysis approach.

Page 1 WASH in Schools Papua New Guinea Case Study
Themes: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Resource Types: Reports
Locations: Papua New Guinea