
VSA volunteer Joanna with Live & Learn Tonga

Lasting change in Tonga with VSA and Live & Learn

6 August 2020

Live & Learn Environmental Education has partnered with New Zealand organisaion Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) to expand its work improving infrastructure, education, and climate resilience in pacific communities. 

VSA volunteer Joanna Lentfer has spent eight months helping Live & Learn establish its Tonga office.

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Gas from bio-digester in kitchen in Cambodia

ATEC Wins Ag-Energy Grand Prize

3 August 2020

ATEC Bio-digesters have been declared the winners of the Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) Asia Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy (EDGE) Ag-Energy Prize. ATEC was awarded the Ag-Energy prize for their innovative process of turning farming waste (animal manure & green waste) into free biogas for clean cooking and organic fertiliser for better crops and healthier soil.

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View of Drawa block forest in Fiji

Drawa Wins Global Award for Sustainability

3 August 2020

For its efforts in sustainability and conservation, the Drawa Block Forest Communities Cooperative has received an Energy Globe Award for Fiji. With more than 180 participating countries, the Energy Globe Award a prestigious environmental award given annually to projects saving our environment.

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Boy and girl looking at reusable sanitary pad

Men and boys advocate for menstruation management in their school

27 May 2020

In the space of 12 months, Mr Matia has worked hard to create a supportive environment for girls in the school.  The school now sells sanitary pads at the school canteen and emergency pads are available at the school office. The school toilet facilities were repaired and bins are now provided in the toilets for safe disposal of pads.

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Woman and man with hygiene kit for Cyclone Harold response

Responding with Care to Cyclone Harold and COVID-19

18 May 2020

Live & Learn Solomon Islands has partnered with Care Australia for COVID-19 awareness and Tropical Cyclone Harold disaster recovery. Managing the two issues in tandem has meant improved sanitation and hygiene practices are being enforced in the areas affected by the cyclone. So far the activities done with Care include the distribution of soap and boxes of hygiene kits to eight communities.

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Man standing next to COVID-19 education posters in PNG

Preventing COVID-19 spread in New Ireland, PNG

18 May 2020

In New Ireland Province Live & Learn has implemented COVID-19 training for eight schools, including establishing basic hand-washing facilities and providing soap. Awareness materials have been distributed around the capital Kavieng, at the local post office, police station, airport and in almost every shop in town. Posters and stickers were printed locally and 7 large banners have been displayed that discuss the importance of handwashing and social distancing. Live & Learn PNG has also been active on Facebook as part of this process, reaching more than 14,000 people with COVID-19 messages. 

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Two people from a Pacific Island standing 1.5m apart

COVID-19 Hygiene Promotion Resources

8 April 2020

Now available – posters and social media materials for COVID 19 hygiene promotion in the South Pacific

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Boy washing his hands with soap at new facility in his school in Solomon Islands

World Water Day: Improved water management at Aruligo School

20 March 2020

World Water Day 2020 is highlighting water and climate change. We are sharing the story of improved water management at Aruligo Seventh-day Adventist Primary School in the Solomon Islands. 

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Clean Hands

“Clean Hands, Good Toilet, Happy Family” Health Promotion Guidelines & Tools

14 March 2018

Influencing health behaviour change seems like it should be simple. But each of us is a mixture of conscious and unconscious motivations, cultural preferences and habits. Logical reasons for choosing healthy habits don’t always effectively…

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