
Lessons in disaster risk management

Learning about disaster risk management is vital for schools in the Solomon Islands.

Through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Disaster READY program, representatives from two schools in Honiara (Saint Vincent and Coronation Christian school) have been trained on disaster preparedness. The program ensures that all within a school, including girls, boys, children with and without disability, are involved in preparedness activities, so that their specific needs are understood and accounted for.

The training helped the schools’ disaster committees, as well as school leads and board members, to understand their vulnerabilities and capacities, the context of the school including its geography, potential risks, and perceptions of those risks. This, in turn, helped in enhancing their disaster plans.

The three-day workshop was run by Live & Learn SI in partnership with Honiara City Council, Solomon Islands Government, The Solomon Islands Organization of People with Disability (PWDSI) and the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP).

This training was made possible with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.