
Managing money the inclusive way

Managing finances in an inclusive way is an important part of strengthening relationships between men and women and helping families to achieve their dreams. Representatives of Mosquito community in East Honiara participated in three days of training on family financial management during July 2023, run by Live & Learn Solomon Islands.

Women of the Mosquito community were assisted in setting up a savings club, as well as participating in activities focusing on household roadside markets of root crops, vegetables, betelnut and fish. Activities also involved male engagement in community financial decision-making.

This training was part of the Helpim Sista Project, which aims to give couples and families in Solomon Islands the knowledge, tools and experience to plan for and manage their family’s income in ways that encourage equal decision making and address structural barriers to women’s economic justice.

The training is part of ANCP’s Pacific Partnerships for Gender Equality Program through CARE International and supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program.