Live & Learn has published a resource for school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) committees to use in their operation and maintenance of toilets, rainwater catchments and hand washing facilities.
The guide is focused on the Pacific Islands, and references national WASH in School standards in Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. But this practical guideline is useful for any school looking to improve the operation and maintenance of school water and sanitation facilities.
The guide integrates information and actions to assess and improve water safety, and how climate change affects a school’s water supply. Practical information on toilet and water supply options, basic maintenance tasks, assessment forms and example maintenance rosters are included. The guide also addresses menstrual hygiene management services and accessibility considerations needed to meet the needs of women and girls, and children with mobility difficulties at a school.
The guide is available to be downloaded from the Resource section of our website. Or you can download the file directly at this link:
Schools Guide to Operation & Maintenance: Toilets, Rainwater Catchments and Handwashing Facilities
The guide was written by Live & Learn Environmental Education through the Resilient WASH in the Islands Region and Autonomous Region of Bougainville project in Papua New Guinea, supported by the Australian government and implemented by Plan International Australia and Live & Learn Environmental Education.