
An image of two pages of this document

CRI Approach Fact Sheet

24 June 2024

When designing the Climate Resilient Islands (CRI) Programme Live & Learn wanted to develop a process communities could use to plan resilience actions that sat within the flow of complexity (without falling into the trap…

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A picture of the Toolkit resource

Climate Resilient Islands Toolkit

21 May 2024

The Climate Resilient Islands programme is working with 65 rural communities in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu to strengthen community resilience to climate change through nature-based approaches. To achieve this,…

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An image of the case study on a patterned background

Case Study: CRI as an ecosystems intervention

5 April 2024

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is one of the work packages contributing to the Ecosystems Intervention Area within MFAT’s Climate Change Programme. This was established in 2019 as a multi-faceted response to Pacific requests for…

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A group of people surrounded by plants

Strengthening Pacific partnerships for food security

4 March 2024

Crops weren’t the only thing being grown at Live & Learn’s Pacific Food Week last month, with connections between different country teams also being nurtured. Alongside learning many technical skills, including food processing methods and…

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A woman standing in front of shelves of growing plants

Growing towards resilience at Pacific Food Week

4 March 2024

Pacific Island nations face many challenges to their food resilience, but there is also huge knowledge and opportunity throughout the region to help overcome these difficulties. Factors like limited arable land, sea level rise and…

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Disaster preparedness in Vanuatu CRI communities

5 September 2023

Communities participating in the Climate Resilient Islands programme across Vanuatu are facing a range of disasters and challenges to their resilience. The country’s ND-GAIN Resilience Ranking – measuring Vanuatu’s exposure, sensitivity and ability to adapt…

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Vanuatu Community Resilience Profile Summary

27 July 2023

Community Resilience Profiles are the result of partner communities thinking about and mapping their ecosystems and resilience. The profiles contain general information on Vanuatu’s ecosystems and livelihoods, and forecasts on food security and disaster response,…

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Vanuatu has a plan!

26 July 2023

Communities participating in the CRI program in Vanuatu have just finished the resilience planning process, and they don’t just have one plan – they have many! After communities participated in information gathering to produce Community…

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Linking Vanuatu profiles to resilience planning

25 July 2023

As part of the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities in Vanuatu participated in information gathering on community assets, values, livelihoods and challenges. This data was used to produce each community’s Community Resilience Profile. These profiles…

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