
Tonga Community Resilience Profile Summary

15 January 2024

Community Resilience Profiles are the result of partner communities thinking about and mapping their ecosystems and resilience. The profiles contain general information on Tonga’s ecosystems and livelihoods, and forecasts on food security and disaster response,…

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Digging deeper

14 August 2023

The CRI team in Tonga has been spending a lot of time visiting communities, talking about and documenting community livelihoods, local ecosystems and values. Sharing this information requires the team to build relationships with communities.…

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The changing nature of Vava’u

10 August 2023

The Live & Learn Tonga team have been out finalising information gathering for the production of Community Resilience Profiles in the Vava’u island group. Located 300 kilometres north of the main island of Tongatapu, Vava’u…

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What is the future of Pangai?

10 July 2023

Climate change in the Pacific threatens not only livelihoods; it puts strain on traditional ways of doing things – agriculture, knowledge of land and seasons, and traditional culture. In Tonga, communities have traditional handicrafts made…

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The two sides of the fact sheet for Integrated WASH resilience and disaster preparedness

Integrated WASH resilience and disaster preparedness

21 March 2023

Coordinated water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) planning, particularly at provincial and community levels, is key to empowering climate change-vulnerable communities.

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A man drawing a map

Finding where we are on the map

4 August 2022

Without understanding our place in a system, we don’t know how to adapt most effectively when part of that system changes. As climate change continues to impact the Pacific, the local structures and ecosystems of…

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A preview of the Tonga Fact Sheet

Tonga Fact Sheet – Climate Resilient Islands

28 July 2022

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is working with rural communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, PNG and Solomon Islands to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches. The Programme has…

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Volcanic eruption from above

When Tonga went quiet

27 July 2022

In January, the Climate Resilient Islands team in Tonga should have been preparing for visits to communities across the country. Fresh from a break after the early progress made on the project in 2021, the…

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Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Disaster Preparedness

Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Disaster Preparedness

27 June 2022
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