
Ecological Thinking: A facilitation guide for youth in the Solomon Islands

Ecological Thinking: A facilitation guide for youth in the Solomon Islands has been designed for workshops with youth club leaders in Honiara. The sessions in this guide will help build on young people’s knowledge of climate chance while introducing them to a range of environmental concepts. The practical awareness and engagement activities focus on understanding ecosystems, resilient communities, the benefits of trees, how water catchments work and the positive changes young people can make in their local environments.

This facilitation guide was produced as part of Plan International’s Safer Cities for Girls program, which is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). The Honiara Ecological Thinking workshops were supported with funding from Plan international and implemented by Live & Learn Solomon Islands.

The cover and two pages of the Ecological Thinking guide
Themes: Climate Resilience, Environmental Protection
Resource Types: Manuals
Locations: Solomon Islands