
Teaching WASH in Schools: Preschool guide

This guide is designed to support preschool teachers in Kiribati deliver water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) education for preschool students. WASH in Schools safeguards the health of children, supports and promotes the provision of safe drinking water and improves sanitation and hygiene facilities and practice.

Teaching WASH in Schools: Preschool guide has been broken down into the following modules:

  • Module 1 – Washing your hands
  • Module 2 – Using a toilet
  • Module 3 – Keeping bodies clean
  • Module 4 – Water

Each module includes a section for teachers as well as useful tips and information for parents. WASH should be taught through storytelling, songs, free and teacher-guided play, art activities and modelling of good WASH behaviour by older children and adults (both teachers and adult family members).


This guide for preschool teachers and parents of preschool children in Kiribati has been adapted from the “Teaching WASH in Schools – Teaches Supplementary Notes Years 1-2” (found here developed in 2016 for the Government of Kiribati by Live & Learn Environmental Education, UNICEF and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Additional content has been incorporated where appropriate from Live & Learn’s “Hands up for Hygiene” guide (available here:

The cover of the guide, with a cartoon of two happy children.
Themes: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Resource Types: Manuals, Visual Aids
Locations: Kiribati