This guide provides an overview of the Live & Learn WASH in Schools approach, and serves as a guide for the larger WASH in Schools programs implemented by Live & Learn with other partners in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and elsewhere.
Live & Learn works with schools to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) through a bottom-up capacity-building approach and risk-based tools in an “Assess – Plan – Act – Monitor” cycle. Our enabling approach focuses on what the schools can learn and be able to do themselves. It provides schools the opportunity to be active actors in the improvement of their WASH infrastructure and services. We also work with government education authorities to strengthen implementation of WASH in Schools standards and policy. The program implements capacity building activities to establish and strengthen the school leadership. The program also generates demand for improved water safety, hygiene and sanitation through empowering student WASH Clubs to conduct advocacy campaigns.
Publication was supported through the New Times, New Targets project, an Australian aid initiative implemented by Plan International Australia in partnership with Live & Learn on behalf of the Australian Government.

Available Resources:
Resource Types: Manuals
Locations: Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu