CRI Programme

Symbolising resilience in Tuvalu

9 July 2024

What does resilience mean in the community of Funafuti on the main islet of Tuvalu? Community members were asked to discuss, describe and draw symbols of resilience that resonate with their community, as part of…

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An image of two pages of this document

CRI Approach Fact Sheet

24 June 2024

When designing the Climate Resilient Islands (CRI) Programme Live & Learn wanted to develop a process communities could use to plan resilience actions that sat within the flow of complexity (without falling into the trap…

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An image of the cover and inside page of the resilience profile

Tuvalu Community Resilience Profile Summary

24 June 2024

Community Resilience Profiles are the result of partner communities thinking about and mapping their ecosystems and resilience. The profiles contain general information on Tuvalu’s ecosystems and livelihoods, and forecasts on food security and disaster response,…

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A picture of the Toolkit resource

Climate Resilient Islands Toolkit

21 May 2024

The Climate Resilient Islands programme is working with 65 rural communities in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu to strengthen community resilience to climate change through nature-based approaches. To achieve this,…

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An image of the case study document on a patterned background

Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Programme

30 April 2024

As part of the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities in Fiji have taken part in the Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Programme (IKLP), which provides an opportunity for communities to identify, revive and collectively strengthen traditional cultural…

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An image of the case study document

Disaster preparedness in Tuvalu CRI communities

23 April 2024

Communities that participate in the Climate Resilient Islands Programme across Tuvalu are facing a range of disasters and challenges to their resilience. But many actions are being taken to prepare for disaster and strengthen their…

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An image of the case study document

Disaster preparedness in Tongan CRI communities

23 April 2024

Climate Resilient Islands communities across Tonga are facing a range of disasters and challenges to their resilience. But many actions are being taken to prepare for disaster and strengthen their adaptation. The country’s ND-GAIN Resilience…

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An image of the case study document

Income and expenses in Tuvalu communities

23 April 2024

As part of the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities in Tuvalu were surveyed to assess their livelihoods, incomes and expenses. Questions asked related to sizes of households, sources of income, whether there were multiple sources…

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An image of the case study document

Income and expenses in Tongan communities

23 April 2024

As part of the Climate Resilient Islands programme, communities in Tonga were surveyed to assess their livelihoods, incomes and expenses. Questions asked related to sizes of households, sources of income, whether there were multiple sources…

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