CRI Programme

Community Priority Values and Assets in Tonga

22 January 2024

Climate Resilient Islands communities in Tonga were asked to describe their most important values and assets, and their vulnerabilities and risks, to contribute to their Community Resilience Profiles. These ranged from material to natural, as…

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Documenting traditional ecosystem management in Tuvalu

17 January 2024

The natural resources of Vaitupu Island in Tuvalu have been managed by the community for centuries. As part of the CRI programme, Vaitupu recently documented traditional management of resources, in order to understand how they…

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Tonga Community Resilience Profile Summary

15 January 2024

Community Resilience Profiles are the result of partner communities thinking about and mapping their ecosystems and resilience. The profiles contain general information on Tonga’s ecosystems and livelihoods, and forecasts on food security and disaster response,…

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Tuvalu Fact Sheet – Climate Resilient Islands

4 October 2023

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is working with rural communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, PNG and Solomon Islands to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches. The Programme has…

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PNG Fact Sheet – Climate Resilient Islands

3 October 2023

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is working with rural communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, PNG and Solomon Islands to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches. The Programme has…

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Sharing knowledge for stronger communities

6 September 2023

As part of the Climate Resilience Islands programme, communities are participating in an Indigenous knowledge leadership programme (IKLP), which has been developed to strengthen traditional practices and knowledge systems across the Pacific. The IKLP is…

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Disaster preparedness in Vanuatu CRI communities

5 September 2023

Communities participating in the Climate Resilient Islands programme across Vanuatu are facing a range of disasters and challenges to their resilience. The country’s ND-GAIN Resilience Ranking – measuring Vanuatu’s exposure, sensitivity and ability to adapt…

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The kitchen symbolising resilience

1 September 2023

Communities in Tuvalu, with the help of the local Live & Learn team, are gathering information for their Community Resilience Profiles. As part of this process, communities draw resilience pictures, which symbolise community strengths and…

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Working together and towards long-term goals through CRI

23 August 2023

The tribe of Kavula, known locally as ‘Yavusa Kavula’, is spread across two villages, Banikea and Kavula, in which the CRI programme is being implemented. These villages are located on the second largest island of…

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