Gender & Women's Empowerment

A group of women who participated in the Live & Learn workshop pose together on the grass

COVID-19 provides new opportunities for women in rural PNG

5 March 2021

Live & Learn is sharing stories of female empowerment under the International Women’s Day theme of #ChooseToChallenge.

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Live & Learn PNG staff at menstrual hygiene promotion activities

Schools in Papua New Guinea Take Action on Menstrual Hygiene

6 August 2020

COVID-19 has brought attention to many of the issues that women and girls face managing their periods around the world. This includes affordability and accessibility of menstrual hygiene products, highlighting that periods don’t stop for…

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Boy and girl looking at reusable sanitary pad

Men and boys advocate for menstruation management in their school

27 May 2020

In the space of 12 months, Mr Matia has worked hard to create a supportive environment for girls in the school.  The school now sells sanitary pads at the school canteen and emergency pads are available at the school office. The school toilet facilities were repaired and bins are now provided in the toilets for safe disposal of pads.

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Panel discussion at launch

Launch of Live & Learn Environmental Education and Volunteer Service Abroad Knowledge and Learning partnership

27 August 2019

Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) and Live and Learn Environmental Education International have celebrated the signing of a Pacific wide partnership agreement. The partnership will place New Zealand volunteers into Live & Learn’s Pacific programme in Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Kiribati. The partnership has a strong focus on capturing and sharing knowledge and learning across our programmes. 

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Students at presentation on menstrual hygiene management

Time for MHM Action in schools in Solomon Islands

31 May 2019

On 28 May over 230 students from Visale, Vaturanga and Tanakuku schools in Solomon Islands joined together to highlight Global Menstrual Hygiene Day, supported by Live & Learn Solomon Islands and Plan International in Solomon Islands.

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Ensure access to MHM products for all

Access to menstrual products in Solomon Islands

14 May 2019

May 28 is international Menstrual Hygiene Day. Adolescent girls and women throughout the world face many challenges in managing their menstruation effectively and with dignity.  A recently completed baseline report discussed menstrual hygiene management with women in Solomon Islands, with 63% of women saying they often don’t have enough money to purchase sanitary pads.

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Clean Hands

“Clean Hands, Good Toilet, Happy Family” Health Promotion Guidelines & Tools

14 March 2018

Influencing health behaviour change seems like it should be simple. But each of us is a mixture of conscious and unconscious motivations, cultural preferences and habits. Logical reasons for choosing healthy habits don’t always effectively…

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Education Changes Everything

Education Changes Everything #MenstruationMatters

21 November 2017

Every month more than 300 million girls aged between 10-14 may dread the arrival of their period. A lack of adequate guidance, toilet facilities and sanitary materials for girls to manage their menstruation in schools…

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Urban community-based sanitation enterprises

Urban community-based sanitation enterprises viable businesses

20 November 2017

Live & Learn has established an effective contextualised sanitation marketing approach in Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Fiji, with potential for this approach to be replicated in other Pacific Island Countries. The approach…

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