Human Rights & Freedoms

Bernadeth, a role model for WASH leadership

1 February 2024

In the Solomon Islands, the New Times, New Targets Project is encouraging women to take up leadership roles to strengthen sanitation and hygiene in schools. An outstanding example of a female teacher taking charge of…

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Safe water posters and stickers for Papua New Guinea

1 August 2022

Live & Learn has created a series of posters and stickers that focus on keeping your water sources clean. The messages focus on regularly cleaning your water points clean, as well as the risks of water contamination from human and animal faeces.

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Emjay smiling and holding a reusable menstrual pad

Menstrual Health Day – It’s Time For Action

28 May 2021

The theme for Menstrual Heath Day 2021 is It’s Time for Action. Nobody understands this more than Mary Elizabeth Ramosaea.

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A group of women who participated in the Live & Learn workshop pose together on the grass

COVID-19 provides new opportunities for women in rural PNG

5 March 2021

Live & Learn is sharing stories of female empowerment under the International Women’s Day theme of #ChooseToChallenge.

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Panel discussion at launch

Launch of Live & Learn Environmental Education and Volunteer Service Abroad Knowledge and Learning partnership

27 August 2019

Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) and Live and Learn Environmental Education International have celebrated the signing of a Pacific wide partnership agreement. The partnership will place New Zealand volunteers into Live & Learn’s Pacific programme in Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Kiribati. The partnership has a strong focus on capturing and sharing knowledge and learning across our programmes. 

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LLEE Vanuatu staff in film studio at Western Sydney University

Film partnership with Western Sydney University

30 October 2018

Glarinda Andre from Live & Learn Vanuatu joined with students, faculty and film-makers from the Western Sydney University School of Humanities and Communications Arts for the debut screening of two short films made by students at the university Documentary Media Day.

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Local development will lead to change that lasts - ACFID article

Localising development efforts will lead to change that lasts

22 August 2018

As part of a series on ACFID Quality Principles, CEO of Live & Learn, and ACFID board member, Christian Nielsen, talked to ACFID about the power of localizing development efforts….and why he cringes when Pacific Island states are referred to as “failing states.”

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Clean Hands

“Clean Hands, Good Toilet, Happy Family” Health Promotion Guidelines & Tools

14 March 2018

Influencing health behaviour change seems like it should be simple. But each of us is a mixture of conscious and unconscious motivations, cultural preferences and habits. Logical reasons for choosing healthy habits don’t always effectively…

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Education Changes Everything

Education Changes Everything #MenstruationMatters

21 November 2017

Every month more than 300 million girls aged between 10-14 may dread the arrival of their period. A lack of adequate guidance, toilet facilities and sanitary materials for girls to manage their menstruation in schools…

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