Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Bernadeth, a role model for WASH leadership

1 February 2024

In the Solomon Islands, the New Times, New Targets Project is encouraging women to take up leadership roles to strengthen sanitation and hygiene in schools. An outstanding example of a female teacher taking charge of…

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Women lead in improving WASH in Tamami

8 January 2024

Leadership roles in communities in the Solomon Islands are often dominated by men, and this has often extended to WASH committees. But through training provided by Live & Learn and the NTNT project, the community…

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Amplifying the voices of women

28 November 2023

When women take leadership roles in WASH, communities get a different and wider perspective, especially when it comes to topics such as menstruation. In the community of Monga, in Solomon Islands’ Guadalcanal Province, the Live &…

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The cover of the sanitation manual and some diagrams from inside.

Clean, healthy & fresh: sanitation construction manual

14 November 2023

Urban development in Solomon Islands presents a number of challenges, including rapid population growth (especially in informal settlements) and limited access to services like electricity, water and sanitation. Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project…

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Reducing menstruation stigma in the Solomon Islands

16 October 2023

In the Solomon Islands, Live & Learn is turning old attitudes and poor understandings of menstruation around and improving the lives of women and girls. Through the Urban Water Supply Sanitation program, implemented alongside Solomon…

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Reaching their full potential

13 October 2023

For years, Live & Learn Papua New Guinea has worked in schools across New Ireland Province to help students and teachers understand water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) behaviour. Recently, the team has stepped this work…

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The cover of the guide, with a cartoon of two happy children.

Teaching WASH in Schools: Preschool guide

10 October 2023

This guide is designed to support preschool teachers in Kiribati deliver water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) education for preschool students. WASH in Schools safeguards the health of children, supports and promotes the provision of safe drinking water and improves sanitation and hygiene facilities and practice.

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The front and back pages of the fact sheet.

Fact sheet: Integrated WASH resilience and disaster preparedness in remote atoll schools and communities

30 June 2023

The ‘Integrated WASH resilience and disaster preparedness in remote atoll schools and communities’ project will run for three years from 2023 to 2026 and will target 45 communities. This project has been made possible with funding support from USAID via the Pacific American Fund.

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The two sides of the fact sheet for Integrated WASH resilience and disaster preparedness

Integrated WASH resilience and disaster preparedness

21 March 2023

Coordinated water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) planning, particularly at provincial and community levels, is key to empowering climate change-vulnerable communities.

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