These documents were produced as part of a Global Environment Facility funded project, ‘Integrated Forest management in the Solomon Islands’ (GCP/SOI/001/GFF), led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Solomon Islands, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, the Ministry of Forests and Research, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), supported by the Global Environment Facility, embarked on a project to improve sustainable forest management in the Solomon Islands. The project components included (i) development of the terrestrial protected area network, (ii) integrated land management, and (iii) capacity building for the management of forest carbon. FAO engaged Live & Learn to address part the second component, focussed on the outcome ‘poor land-use practices reduced or reversed in and around protected areas.’ These resources are the outputs of that work.
Available Resources:
Resource Types: Manuals
Locations: Solomon Islands