How do people perceive climate change as a threat to food security?
This RAP focused on understanding how Western Pacific Island communities perceive food security in the context of climate change. Specifically, it aimed to understand how communities perceive their ability to adapt their food systems to be resilient to changing environmental factors. It found that communities perceive a large range of challenges to food security, including decreasing resources and resource diversity, rapid population growth, ‘false seasons’ and socio-cultural inequalities.
It was conducted in 2010 in Sanma (Vanuatu), Malaita and Choiseul Provinces (Solomon Islands), and informed the development of leadership building activities as well as a pilot project on climate change adaptation. This resource includes an explanation of the methods used, a summary of the findings and corresponding recommendations, as well as appendices detailing community profiles and food security plans.

Available Resources:
Resource Types: Reports
Locations: Solomon Islands, Vanuatu