
Practical Tools for Schools, Tonle Sap Sustainable Livelihoods – School Flipchart

How can we help students develop environmental knowledge and skills while having fun?

This flipchart was designed for teachers and facilitators to use with students or with environmental clubs. It covers six themes: weather, water, waste and sanitation, energy, conservation and biodiversity, and livelihoods. Using this flipchart, students will develop knowledge regarding things like food chains and the connection between water and health, as well as practical skills around weather monitoring, water testing and conducting energy surveys.

Each page contains information that can be used in the classroom as well as information for teachers to use in their lesson planning. The flip chart also features a series of participatory activities as well as discussion points that can be used to share and revise ideas.

Available in English and Khmer.

Cover page for the document 'Practical Tools for Schools, Tonle Sap Sustainable Livelihoods - School Flipchart'