CRI Programme

A man and a woman holding an image of a red canoe, their resilience symbol

A voyage into the unknown: Adapting to a changing world

28 July 2022

Long ago, Pasifika ancestors set out from their homes to find new lands scattered throughout the ocean. These people innovated with boats and navigation methods, refining them as they went, with strength and optimism helping…

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A river bend with trees on either side

The Big Picture: Connections in a complex system

28 July 2022

The Naiqaqi River runs through the entire village and all the ecosystems it comprises. It flows from the rainforests on the surrounding mountains past the mangroves on the riverbank, through the plantations and farms to…

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Hands holding freshwater mussels in the water

Coconuts, crabs and butterflies: Building resilience in Fiji

28 July 2022

Freshwater mussels were once found in abundance in the Nasavu River. They were a staple source of food for the Vitina community members, who live along the banks of the river. For generations, these mussels…

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A preview of the Tonga Fact Sheet

Tonga Fact Sheet – Climate Resilient Islands

28 July 2022

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is working with rural communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, PNG and Solomon Islands to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches. The Programme has…

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A preview of the Vanuatu Fact Sheet

Vanuatu Fact Sheet – Climate Resilient Islands

28 July 2022

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is working with rural communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, PNG and Solomon Islands to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches. The Programme has…

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A preview of the Fiji Fact Sheet

Fiji Fact Sheet – Climate Resilient Islands

28 July 2022

The Climate Resilient Islands Programme is working with rural communities in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, PNG and Solomon Islands to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches. The Programme has…

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Volcanic eruption from above

When Tonga went quiet

27 July 2022

In January, the Climate Resilient Islands team in Tonga should have been preparing for visits to communities across the country. Fresh from a break after the early progress made on the project in 2021, the…

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Climate Resilient Islands Fact Sheet

21 May 2021

Read an introduction to Live & Learn’s Climate Resilient Islands. The programme is current in the inception stage and aims to strengthen community resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based approaches.

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