Solomon Islands
How should teachers go about sustainability education?
Read MoreHow can education foster sustainable development?
Read MoreHow can we help schools to take ownership of water, sanitation and hygiene behaviour change initiatives? Live & Learn ran a successful four-year Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools program in seven peri-urban schools in…
Read MoreHow can we develop children’s skills for creating peaceful communities? Young people are the future of the Pacific and this guide encourages children to join leadership networks and create spaces for peace to grow through…
Read MoreHow can we promote and educate on Women’s Savings Clubs in the Solomon Islands? This poster is designed to be used with the Women’s Savings Clubs Training Guide. Using strong, colourful imagery of a club…
Read MoreHow can we set up and run Women’s Savings Clubs in the Solomon Islands? This guide helps facilitators and existing Women’s Savings Club members support other communities and groups of women in setting up and…
Read MoreHow can we promote handwashing to kids? This set of stickers will help teachers and educators promote healthy handwashing in schools and communities. Children love stickers, and you can use them as a reward or…
Read MoreHow can we stop violence in our communities? This manual is for men who want to become advocates for combating sexual violence and abuse against women. These advocates will use this guide to facilitate informal…
Read MoreHow can we promote good sanitation and waste disposal in our communities? This flipchart is designed for NGOs, community groups and agencies presenting to small groups. It uses strong imagery and activities to encourage healthy…
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