Papua New Guinea

Solar System care information

Posters for small scale solar energy systems in PNG

27 August 2020

Live & Learn Papua New Guinea and the New Ireland Provincial Government are partnering with Schneider Electric to improve access to energy infrastructure to boost community development and services. Currently only 13 percent of people…

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Cover for training manual on toilet design and location

Hazard and Environmental Considerations in Toilet Design

7 August 2020

This is a practical training manual prepared for community workers providing training to community-based sanitation enterprises in Vanuatu in how to advise customers on selection of appropriate toilet design, and safe location of different types of…

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Examples of Live & Learn COVID19 Hygiene Promotion resources for South Pacific

COVID 19 Hygiene Promotion Resources for the South Pacific

8 April 2020

This resource is a collection of health promotion posters for the South Pacific to share messages concerning safe practices to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Live & Learn has a strong history of implementing water, sanitation and hygiene projects and these…

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WASH in Schools - Implementation Guidelines cover

WASH in Schools – Implementation Guidelines

16 January 2020

This guide provides an overview of the Live & Learn WASH in Schools approach, and serves as a guide for the larger WASH in Schools programs implemented by Live & Learn with other partners in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and elsewhere.

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Cover of Schools Guide to Operations and Maintenance

Schools Guide to Operation & Maintenance – A Resource for WASH Committees

16 January 2020

This guide is used by school Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Committees, school teachers and student WASH Clubs to successfully operate and maintain school water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.

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Picture of survey on tablet and man with school BNA report

WASH in Schools Bottleneck Analysis Resources

16 January 2020

WASH in Schools programs must address many activities, including construction of water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, hygiene education and promotion, operations and maintenance support, and advocacy. The Bottleneck Analysis is the foundation tool that Live &…

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Cover Page for the documents 'Community Fire Management Info Pack and Poster'

Community Fire Management Info Pack and Poster

30 April 2019

How can communities be better prepared for wildfires in their forests? Climate change is already leading to increased risk of wild fire in forest areas, which pose a threat to biodiversity and the livelihoods and…

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Cover Page for the document 'Via River Catchment Fire Management Plan'

Via River Catchment Fire Management Plan

30 April 2019

How can we reduce the risk of wildfire in the context of climate change? The incidence of wildfire in forests is increasing due to global warming, posing a significant threat to the biodiversity of the…

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Cover of School Water Safety and Security Guide

Water Safety and Security: Making and Keeping our Drinking Water Safe

14 December 2018

A toolkit for teachers and students on protecting water catchments and keeping drinking water safe including climate change adaptation.

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